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Care delivery innovation

Watch this 15-minute Q&A on opportunities for care delivery innovation. Examine the important roles of alignment, partnership and analytics.

smiling doctor taking notes

Innovate within value-based care

The current innovations in health care delivery are exciting, and we’re learning the key to reinventing the care delivery system may be alignment. Success depends on having payment models aligned toward value and care delivery that enables holistic and seamless services.

This Q&A with Optum Health CEO Dr. Amar Desai and NEJM Catalyst examines the challenge of innovation at scale and reorienting entire systems of care, including:

  • The spectrum of value-oriented models and how approaches to care change
  • Using data and analytics as tools for delivering high-value care
  • Types of outcomes-based compensation and new options in consumer payment

Considering local dynamics, infrastructure investments, shared goals and partnerships is also critical to success. Listen now to begin building your roadmap toward a better care delivery system for your organization.

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