The nuanced, messy, exciting behind-the-scenes of NLP models
Typically, manually reviewing unstructured data from electronic health records (EHRs) isn’t feasible due to the time commitment required to sort through thousands or millions of clinical notes in a patient cohort. But these data provide valuable information about the patient journey, including details about symptom severity, patient lifestyle factors and other variables that can help support the commercialization of your product.
That’s where natural language processing technology comes in. NLP models are crucial for helping life sciences researchers extract insights from free-text EHR data. That’s why Optum® Life Sciences curates EHR data using proprietary NLP systems to help you understand the progression of diseases with details often not readily available in structured formats.
Dive deeper into the challenges and importance of using innovative NLP models when working with clinical data in this interview with two Optum experts: Vikash Verma, BPharm, MBA, Director, Data Science and Anne-Marie Currie, PhD, Senior Director, Data Science.