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Optum Arizona

Care management services

A care manager will help you every step of the way. No matter how complex your care is, we work to simplify a path to better health.

How our care management solutions help you

Our care management services offer:

  • Support on the phone
  • In-person visits, if available in your area
  • A focus on helping you have the best possible quality of life
  • Specialized support and planning for people living with long-term medical problems or a chronic illness
  • Care managers ready to help with your conditions and medical care
  • Education and guidance, personalized for you
  • Help finding care for your symptoms such as weakness, tiredness or pain
  • Support for your family and caregivers

Optum care management programs offer added support at no additional cost to you. Our programs include:

  • Optum health management services add to the care that your provider gives you. We may offer extra services and support after a move from a hospital or nursing facility to your home.
  • Optum care management is for people who have complex or long-lasting medical problems. We help you find the specialized medical care and support you need. Better yet, we may bring these services to you in the comfort of your own home.
  • Optum also offers disease management services for people with certain health conditions. We help make sure you get the care you need to help you reach your health goals.

You may not need this level of support now, but if you ever do, it’s good to know Optum will be there for you.

If you would like to get extra care and support, please call us: 1-877-778-4108, seven days a week, Monday through Sunday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. MT. You can also leave a message on our private voicemail.

The care team will spend time with you to better understand your personal health goals to help you achieve quality of life. We’ll ask you questions, such as:

  • What are your health care goals and wishes?
  • What activities do you enjoy and would like to keep doing?
  • What is most important to you in life as you think about your health care choices?
  • What support and education do you need to meet your goals?

If you or a loved one are living with a long-term medical problem or illness, Optum care management programs may help. You may want to talk to your provider about starting care management.

Your rights and roles

We pledge to help you get care and information so that you can take charge of your health.

You have the right to:

  • Know about our program, services and all we have to offer, including our staff and their credentials and any business relationships we have.
  • Work with your doctor to make health care choices and have our support. We’re here to support the relationship and care plan you have set up with your doctor.
  • Know about types of care and services available to you, even if a type of care isn’t paid for by your health plan. You can also talk about those choices with your care team.
  • Get information that’s easy to understand. If you don’t speak English, or if you have a physical or mental disability (a social or functional impairment that limits important activities), we’ll give you support so that you can make informed health care decisions.
  • Have your personal information kept private and know how we protect your privacy.
  • Know who can see your information.
  • Be cared for with courtesy and respect by our staff.
  • Know which staff members are helping you with your illness, and how you can make a change.
  • Choose not to take part in our program or any services offered, and in any part of your care plan. You may quit the program at any time. You can do this by calling us to let us know.
  • Know about any changes in our program services or any services that are ending.
  • Know what to do if you feel your rights have been violated or you have been cared for improperly.
  • Know how to file complaints, how we take care of and work out issues and how long it will take.
  • If you wish to give us feedback or file a complaint you have a few ways to do so. You can talk about complaints directly with your care manager. The goal is to have complaints resolved within 30 business days. You can also call the customer service number on the back of your health insurance card. 

We’re here to support the relationship and care plan you have set up with your provider. By taking an active role in our program and services — and in your health — we ask that you:

  • Take part in the program and follow the mutually agreed-upon plan you made with your care manager. Tell your care manager if you can’t follow your plan or if you would like to change it.
  • Follow your doctor’s directions about your health condition(s). Talk with your doctor before changing your care plan.
  • Give us the information we need to offer you with the tools and services you might need.
  • Let your doctor and Optum know if you choose to quit our program.
  • Tell us when you are in the hospital, when your medicines change or when you get a new doctor.


Talk to your provider about whether this type of care is right for you.

  • Your provider can refer you to start care management programs. Talk to your provider about this type of care and if it’s right for you.
  • You can also call directly to talk about your needs and get connected with the right level of support for you. 1-877-778-4108

There is no cost for care management services. They are offered as part of your network health plan.

If you think care management services can help you or a loved one, ask your provider.